Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 3471

A .NET Standard 2.0 library for generating signatures on HTTP messages. Typically, the SignatureAuthorizationHandler is used with an HttpClient for signing outgoing requests.
Fast, simple, convention-based (but configurable) and extensible Micro-Orm.
Temiicore data abstractions
Information extraction library
Package Description
Event bus for ASP.NET Core projects. Define events and event handlers for inner-project signaling.
retrieves a text file from a GCS bucket and stores its contents in a string dictionary.
Class library for .NET. Provides logic for event publish/subscription.
Package Description
This is a simple C# client to allow using OSM API.
A fluent wrapper for Selenium and many usefull tools to web crawlers
Fast Async Log for .NET Core
RPC library using 0MQ and the 0MQ MDP protocol
Let you use your browser as a log target from any Asp.Net Core application.
Providing common libraries of clean architect pattern
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
a simple microservice framework base on core mvc