Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 3471

Launch and control dotnet processes wrapped into the coverlet code coverage analyzer.
Package Description
A SharePoint system transport library
BakingSheet importer for CSV files
This client library enables working with Polygon's REST service as well as their websockets. REST API Reference -
Libarary to do CQRS and EventSourcing
Webezi.MailKit.Mandrill is used Mandrillto implements mailkit abstractions.
BakingSheet importer for Google Sheet
BakingSheet importer for Excel files
A delay queue based on redis
A way to generate ng forms based on ViewModels.
Handler to connect the Qarnot platform using the Dns Srv balance.
Productivity Tool: Azure Extensions and helper Data Models
This package contains mostly used Helpers elements.
Middleware for logging request and building response based by exception