Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions
Total dependencies: 3471
This package helps you to build messaging job on attributes.
Implementation of PLogger As a Logging Provider for .NET Core
Infrastructure entities for building HermesMQ client and server
KmopoFramework - OSS.Qiniu
Diagnostics.NET is a simple library that allows your ASP.NET Core applications to subscribe to DiagnosticSource events and process them.
Инструменты доступа к данным через Sql Client
MassTransit middleware that allows to pass a logging scope from a producer to a consumer through the message headers
OpenTracing implementation.
This project was created to provide an easy to use and configurable logging library.
If the default configuration is sufficient for your needs the library can be used out of the box without further setup. However, if you have specific logging needs you can alter the library configuration settings...
It's a helper for BigQuery's Table creation and data insertion with support for nested and repeated fields.
Library that contains interfaces and base-classes that Plugins use to interact with the Host-Application
Library that contains shared logic that is used by technology-specific implementations to provide technology-agnostic/replaceable file-access
Extensions to automatically log validation rules excecution and exceptions.
Package Description
ParallelDots NLP Library
An assembly for extending ILogger activities.
Kill your ASP.NET API methods softly
An alternative (modernized) Amazon MWS client targeting .NET standard