Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

HAOest Framework Common
FetchAndProcess Framework
A little log4net bootstrapper with standard appenders ready to use. Leverage on SlowCheetah to enable build configuration transformation.
Karkas Data Library
Enables securing of WebAPIs using OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant - See
Octgn 3.0 Core
Swf decompiler
A Framework, contains: log4net, structuremap, NHibernate, FluentNHibernate, MySql.Data, Smallcode.UI
Provides Subscription notification and management for Umbraco
Authenticode signing using Mono libraries, accepting cert in the form of a spc file and pvk file. Uses Mono Security code. As a tool, includes OpenSSL v1.0.2o binaries for convenience, useful for converting pfx keys to spc+pvk keys. For key conversion information, please see https://developer....
BCE SDK for .NET Core
Represents a logging component based on log4net that supports writing log messages in file or in sending them to a queue.
A JSON based subscription messeging service using TCP sockets. Designed to exchange objects between client and server.
Mailer - Simple Windows Service Helper for Email Queues
Mailer - Simple SMTP Sender