Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

Java Like Properties on Steroids Allows for inherited, auto-resolvable name/value pairs with priorities.
Memcached Client
StealFocus Tracer package.
Additional appenders, filters and type converters for use with log4net. NOTE: this is an initial release to the public meant for users already familiar with the DemiCode.Logging API. Online documentation is not yet available.
TEAM's Producer->Consumers implementation and other multi-threading tools.
Twitter Appender for Log4Net
Adds data annotation logging using log4net and PostSharp
WebLog is a decentralized logger using a RESTful API. This component is a log4net appender to address this API.
Castle based infrastructure implementation.
SQL based subscription storage for Rhino.ServiceBus.
Milesi Way Framework
Nuno Costa
le_log4net for Log4net[1.2.11] is deprecated. Please use logentries.log4net instead
Lokad.Shared.dll is a single lightweight .NET library that includes: Exception Handling Action Policy Block, Validation and Business Rules Application Block, Miscellaneous helper classes and methods: * Tuples, * Enforce code contracts, * Fast reflection methods, * Interfaces for abstracting away com...