Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on jQuery

Total dependencies: 1540

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An ASP.NET MVC, jQuery, and Bootstrap facility for stacking alert messages for the user. This uses the "alert" feature of Bootstrap.
Provides some functionality for displaying Bootstrap alert messages when working with jQuery Ajax methods and, in particular, ASP.NET MVC Ajax forms.
This package will contain the helper classes for the caracal framework
Nvergent is a free, open source extension library (framewok) for use with NHibernate. It is the result of several years of daily experience developing enterprise applications using NHibernate, and is designed to enhance NHibernate in three key areas; dependency injection, validation, and diagnostics...
ASP.Net MVC library for Ajax, Hijax, and reverse-Ajax (Comet)
angular-ui datagrid
Support frontend development using JavaScript for Bifrost
Knockout.js - is a popular JavaScript library that allows easy creation of feature-rich applications based on Model-View-View Model (MVVM) pattern: user interface can be bound to a separate existing data model. And any change of the model will result in dynamic refresh of the interface. Knockout MV...
AutoFill for DataTables
This is AutoFill for DataTables with styling for [Foundation](
This is KeyTable for DataTables
This is RowGroup for DataTables
This is Scroller for DataTables
This is Select for DataTables
A template package that includes a Bootstrap 4 update to the MVC default template as well as the installation and addition of an easy to use Admin Layout.