Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on jQuery

Total dependencies: 1540

Install this package to configure a local copy of common JavaScript and CSS resources. Without this package installed, N2 CMS uses CDNJS as the runtime source of these libraries.
Creates a wizard for your MVC 5 application within minutes. This Wizard is a jQuery extension and works with JSON, jQuery, jQuery Validation. You could also use the MVC.Wizard.Sample NuGet package to have a smaple with different options of the wizard.
Quickly create beautiful web applications on the latest technologies: Microsoft .NET 4.5, ASP.NET MVC 4, Oak and Piranha CMS
Paquete con ejemplo del componente Delta Grid MVC
All tools to modify image (resize, crop, change in gray, draw on it, ...) and analyse it (face recognition, qr code and barecode decrypt, ...)
Manage user for applications. Can scan internet to have some more details
We love Angular... We also love SPA's (Single Page Apps)! So, at Idea42, we created this starter kit that gets you going with the best known practices for creating an Angular SPA, built on Bootstrap. To begin, start by creating an empty ASP.NET web project, add this package to the project, an...
BS3Wrapper is quick helper for build bootstrap interfaces
Un Paquete que crea un applicacion MVC con IDentity 2.x
The middleware for OWIN pipeline. This application infrastucture for Single Page Application based on the Web API services
Paquete con libreria y ejemplos del componente Delta Grid MVC
O Xernas Template foi desenvolvido com a finalidade de ajudar no "start" de um projeto que necessite de funcionalidades como, permissão de acesso, controle de usuário, controle de perfil de usuário e gerenciamento de módulos de um sistema.