Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on jQuery UI (Combined Library)

Total dependencies: 198

BootstrapPanelBaseBehavior is an AjaxControlToolkit based client side - javascript - behavior. This behavior is a base class for other behaviors, which use the Bootstrap panels. New BSD License
ElmahR module implementing a full fledged errors dashboard
Noodles transforms your object model into a web app. Install this library to customise the cshtml template files, or if you don't want to use the EmbeddedResourceVirtualPathProvider to load your views
automatically enhances elements based on data-attributes or class names. supports an asynchronous user interface. This code is open source.
Language Learning web application with Html5 and Javascript solutions. The package licensed under Mozilla Pulic License(MPL).
Language Learning demo web application with Html5 and Javascript solutions. The package licensed under Mozilla Pulic License(MPL).
Tags Manager A jQuery plugin (working nicely with Twitter Bootstrap). Licensed under the Mozilla Public LLicense, Version 2.2 You may not use this work except in compliance with the License.
Tags Manager A jQuery plugin (working nicely with Twitter Bootstrap). Licensed under the Mozilla Public LLicense, Version 2.2 You may not use this work except in compliance with the License.
A MVC/Web Form library for Modal dialog/StatusBar notifications. jQuery is required. The goal is to create a simple core library that can be customized and extended.
仅为测试上传,后续会修改. A simple Test Client built on top of ASP.NET Web API Help Page.
Noodles transforms your object model into a web app. This assembly contains stuff to make Noodles work with ASP MVC
Noodles transforms your object modelinto a web app. This is a library to integrate Noodles with AJAX jquery datatables
Expand table rows with jQuery - jExpand plugin. Though developed for an earlier version of jQuery/UI it still works with 1.7.*
The Surge SlickGrid Extensions is a set of open-sourced tools that will make using grids in your application a breeze.
A simple jQuery plugin that uses the jQuery UI highlight and error css classes to display info and error messages.
jQuery plugin, provides a simple dropdown button menu (split button). jQuery UI themes compatible.
jQuery plugin, provides pagination using page links or jQuery UI slider. Fully configurable. jQuery UI themes compatible. Localization support.
jquery plugin, provides simple notification (with timeout and close button). jQuery UI themes compatible. Localization support.