Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Autofac

Total dependencies: 2300

Provides abstractions to Autofac's registration and resolvings.
Package Description
Common function
Package Description
Broker extension for Autofac
This package provides a framework for building flexible expression and decision trees with json.
Aurochses.Data.Autofac.EntityFrameworkCore is a library for using Autofac in modules with Entity Framework Core.
Provides AWS support to the DataPipe platform. Reference this package if you need to read or write to S3 from a data pipe script
This provides a MVVM layer for Xamarin forms Tools extensions View models abstraction Error management Navigation VM to VM IoC registration
COS Common lib for .NET 461
ACR Background Jobs Plugin Autofac Extensions
GladNet3 common library for implementing a GladNet-based proxy application.
Package Description