Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Autofac

Total dependencies: 2300

Gunnsoft API
Sophie API SDK
Base classes and behavrior for using Abstractions on CSLA
Jabberwocky Glass and Autofac
Jabberwocky Glass and Autofac with MVC
Jabberwocky Glass and Autofac with WebApi
Radical Framework for M-V-VM and UI Composition (Autofac Integration)
Helpers for Xamarin UITest
Connect BotBuilder projects without the need to go through the MS bot development portal
Library for adding health checking endpoint to web service or application.
This package provides automatic Automatic Factory functionality similar to Castle.Windsor Typed Factories, for the Autofac IoC container.
An AutoFac container facade for dependency injection in MVC projects.
IdentityServer ef6 wrapper