Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on AngularJS

Total dependencies: 56

AngularJs/Javascript version of FluentValidation Api
Checks the strength of a password
A minimal and opinionated Angular template based on HotTowel
This directive allows you to add a date-picker to your form elements with angular.
Ever wanted a flash like mechanism that occurred after a redirect in AngularJS? Flashr alleviates all the setup of flashing and notifications inside of your application using toastr. Display notifications now or later. Simple Examples"your message"); flashr.later.success("your...
Ability based authorization
AngularStrap is a set of directives that enables seamless integration of Twitter Bootstrap into your AngularJS app. Packaged by Francesco Pontillo.
AngularJS Filters is a collection of useful filters for angularjs. The included filters are "default:defaultValue", "firstNotNull", "lastNotNull", "max", "min".
This is a simple service module that allows you to localize your AngularJS applications.
An easy to implement angular module/directive that simplifies adding both horizontal and vertical scrolling with static header and footer to any html table. It will automatically (and reactively) size to it's parent container, or a given set of dimensions.
An HTML 5 audio player service and player controls directive for AngularJS
ReMi Web UI
* On-demand loading of list * Paged list * Can use page up / page down shortcut when navigating the list * Can type on textbox anytime even when the dropdown list is displayed * Can use mouse scroll on the popup list * Uses AngularJS 1.3 ng-model-options debounce functionality to prevent fast typist...
A horizontal panel layout system for angularJS
Testing purpose
Angular-Hint, runtime hinting for AngularJS applications!
Angular File Upload is a module for the AngularJS framework. Supports drag-n-drop upload, upload progress, validation filters and a file upload queue. It supports native HTML5 uploads, but degrades to a legacy iframe upload method for older browsers. Works with any server side platform which support...
Template for new, empty MVC4 projects to integrate AngularJs, MVC4, WebApi. Implements a client side Repository pattern and C#-Like controllers.
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