Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin.Forms

Total dependencies: 1874

Xamarin.Forms plugin to crop and rotate photos.
Create TabStrip style tabbed navigation control. Configure control to have custom navigation headers and custom navigation arrows.
This library contains a number of helper methods and functions that makes working with Microsoft Cognitive Services easier
Library for xamarin forms to link components to information consumed with the ConsumeAPI.Simple
Library for Xamarin apps initialy created with Windows AppStudio.
Unidirectional Framework for XAML Platforms built on top of Gjallarhorn
Xamarin Forms Gauge Plugin Library
Proof-of-concept NControl for rendering an SVG with optional 9-slice insets.
Classes to allow me to use FreshMvvm Navigation and Iconize
Core Library for JDM App Development, install this into all app projects
SVG viewer control for Xamarin Forms, based on SkiaSharp
Display HUD's dialog.
Simple ImagePicker (camera and gallery) with cropper for Xamarin.Forms (Android and iOS).