Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin.Forms

Total dependencies: 1874

An e-commerce framework for SyncSoft.
This library contains a number of helper methods and functions that make working with MvvmCross with Xamarin.Forms easier
A Xamarin.Form control for creating an animated circle button menu.
Chat view for Xamarin Forms
Using SkiaSharp with Xaml,Bindings and DataTemplates. Compatible with Xamarin Forms
Although postsharp has declared before that they do not support xamarin anymore , it still can be used with dot net standard that gave us some home that we still can move out the boilerplate code from our track , keep our code bases clean and readable. This repository should contains postsharp aspec...
Facebook SDK for Xamarin.Forms. Supports Android and iOS.
Xamarin.Forms plugin to crop and rotate photos.
A CarouselView that can be easily customized and tweaked to your needs and works cross-platform on Android and iOS without the need for any platform specific coding.
Lightweight SkiaSharp renderers for Xamarin.Forms
Lightweight SkiaSharp renderers for Xamarin.Forms
Create cross-platform customizable ClockFace.
An expandable list for iOS and Android. Built against Xamarin Forms
A contentview which allows rounded edges of any size, right within Xamarin.Forms. Plus alot of extra customizations.
Lightweight SkiaSharp renderers for Xamarin.Forms
Xamarin videoplayer