Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin Android Support Library - design

Total dependencies: 271

This package adds Android Design Support Library support for MugenMvvmToolkit.
UI Sleuth is a Xamarin.Forms debugging tool. If you’ve ever made a web site, it’s similar to Microsoft’s F12 tools or Chrome Developer Tools. You can use it to efficiently track down layout issues, prototype a new design, and remotely control a device.
Xamarin.Android binding library - AccountKit
all-in-one easy mvvm implementation for Xamarin.Forms with PullToRefresh feature. look at github for guideline or take a look at sample project.
A Xamarin.Forms view for rendering Markdown strings intelligently on Android and iOS.
Liferay Screens for Xamarin solutions
A menu of FloatingActionButton items, designed to be anchored on an AppBarLayout
Another floating action button menu with expand/collapse behavior. Demo available on
Generate a better rating for your Android app. It is easy to present your users with a dialog begging for a 5-star rating, but it takes a bit more attention to do it right. This small library takes away the boiler plate and makes it easy to ask for a rating the friendly way.
Xamarin.Android Binding Library - Applozic for Android
A simple Android's Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View and was inspired by Menu Material Fixed created by Tommaso Poletti
Show furigana japanese character in xamarin.Forms
A casual view that has several common type. Supports Android and iOS
Material Design Form controls for Xamarin.Forms.
Utility functions for Xamarin.Forms Android projects.
Library to simplify data access in Xamarin.Forms Android projects.