Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on WebSharper

Total dependencies: 96

WebSharper Extensions for ThreeJs.TrackballControls 20140320
WebSharper Extensions for three.js (r67)
WebSharper Extensions for SlickGrids 2.2
WebSharper Extensions for Rickshaw 1.5.1
WebSharper bindings and abstractions for React 18.0+.
A framework that combines WebSharper and Angular to allow F# coding of all aspects of a SPA client and server
WebSharper bindings to Highmaps
WebSharper bindings to Highstock
WebSharper bindings to Highcharts
WebSharper bindings for Angular, based on the DefinitelyTyped definitions
Provides a framework to build reactive forms in WebSharper.
F# friendly wrapper that will avoid having you spread the Kendo API throughout your code-base. WebSharper.Kendo contains the Wrapper as well as any dependencies.
OAuth utilities for WebSharper
WebSharper extension HighlightJS version 11.8+
WebSharper Warp
This WebSharper Extension provides bindings to the [amplify.js]( library, version 1.1.2
CodeMirror bindings for WebSharper
WebSharper Formlets for JQueryUI
WebSharper Extensions and Formlets for TinyMce
Polymer elements for WebSharper.