Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on WebSharper
Total dependencies: 96
Provides a framework to build reactive interfaces in WebSharper,
similar to Formlets but with more control over the structure of the output.
A reactive WebSharper forms library using Bootstrap
WebSocket support for WebSharper with Owin 1.0
Chart combinator-library for WebSharper
WebSharper adaptor for Suave.
C#-to-JavaScript compiler
User interface combinators for WebSharper
F#-to-JavaScript compiler
Testing framework for C#/F#-to-JavaScript compiled libraries
WebSharper Extensions for Bing Maps AJAX v7 and REST services
WebSharper Extensions for glMatrix 2.2.0
WebSharper Extensions for Google Maps 3.13
Next-generation user interface combinators for WebSharper
WebSharper Extensions for Google Maps MarkerClusterer 3.0
WebSharper Extensions for Leaflet 1.9.4+
WebSharper Extensions for Google Visualization 2013.08.27
WebSharper Extensions for JQuery Mobile 1.5.0-alpha
WebSharper Extensions for JQueryUI 1.11.1
WebSharper Extensions for D3 7.0.1
FSharp.Data proxies for WebSharper