Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Utf8Json

Total dependencies: 116

Service bus abstraction library
Utf8Json integration for Galaxy
Convert JSON to System.Net.Http.HttpContent and vice versa with using Utf8Json. API Client for dotnet
Package Description
This is a Specflow Master Plugin for SpecFlow 3
Calculate the volume, height, width and depth of the 3D model.
RabbitMQ logger provider for the Microsoft Extensions Logging framework
An alternative to the good but somewhat outdated NEventStore, DominoES is designed to be easy to use, lightweight and versatile. Featuring: .Net Core support, Multi-tenant support, Bulk read model generation assistance, Easy migrations and event data rewriting support (for those special cas...
JSON serializer for SlackSharp(Slack API client library for C#) with Utf8Json.
Core components need in other Betfair packages.
Field Level Encryption (FLE) plugin for Utf8Json
Field Level Encryption (FLE) plugin for Utf8Json
High-performance C# client for using Rx.Net.
Betinvest Datafeed SDK.
Utf8Json (de)serialization support for Ardalis.SmartEnum.
Library for accessing Atlassian's Jira API using either API token or OAuth 2.0 Bearer token. Also compatible with .Net Core 3.0+