Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Utf8Json

Total dependencies: 116

A cross platform SignalR WebSocket client library for .NET NetStandard core.
Funogram is a functional Telegram Bot Api library for F#
.NET client for Datadog's API
Provides Slack incoming webhook API and slash command request mapping.
.NET library for sending telemetry data to New Relic
Provides a basic C#, Selenium, nUnit3, Specflow v3, HttpClient and RestSharp based automation framework along with all the necessary dependent packages. So when a Unit Test Project Type is created in Visual Studio, delete the default MS Test references added in the project and remove the defau...
Package Description
A Cross Platform Pusher Client for .NET Core NetStandard
A cross platform EngineIo client library for .NET NetStandard core.
Test abstraction for web ui testing based on selenium and specflow test framework
Test abstraction for CRM D365 UI testing based on selenium for Microsoft D365
Package Description
Package Description
Simple extension methods.
Utf8Json extensions for F#
Additional features and functionalities to extend Easy.Logger
Fork of Microsofts dotnet/perfomance code stripped down to be a netstandard2.0 library for benchmarking .NET performance
A cross platform SignalR WebSocket client library for .NET NetStandard core.