Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Umbraco Cms Core Binaries

Total dependencies: 464

A library for enabling ASP.Net Identity to work with Umbraco front-end members. Original code used a SqlCe data store. This one uses a MySql database rather than a Sql CE database
A generic content api for the Umbraco platform. The nuget comes with a standard set of "property converters" but this converters can be overridden and handled differently to suit your needs (make usage of CDN for example)
Helper extension to create HTML5 picture element with sources, and browser fallbacks
Grid value converters for Umbraco 7.7+
Provides integration between Umbraco content and Elasticsearch as a search platform
Strongly Typed Models for Umbraco
Strongly Typed Models for Umbraco
An addon for ConcreteContentTypes that supports adding LinqToExamine attributes to model classes.
Strongly Typed Models for Umbraco
Core library for MBran Umbraco plugins
MBran Components for Umbraco
The Layout Editor is used to construct modular site content in a flexible WYSIWYG editor based on Umbraco Macros functionality.
AFL for Umbraco
An Umbraco package that generates sitemap xml
An Umbraco package that handles 404 error
A simple package that sets master node
Show notifications when multiple content editors are editing the same node in Umbraco
This package implements a content mapping system, for different environments (development, staging, production) so the user does not have to use umbraco node ids
For use by Umbraco package developers to serve embedded resources.
Ad modules for Umbraco.