Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Umbraco Cms Core Binaries

Total dependencies: 464

A content un-versioning package for Umbraco 8.4+
Collection of stuff not core worthy, but otherwise makes Umbraco 7 site building faster.
The Active Directory Providers package allows Umbraco developers to authenticate and authorise Umbraco Users and Members against an Active Directory instance. This package contains instructions to set up all four scenarios and provides two providers to accomplish full Active Directory integration wi...
The Extended Distributed Calling package allows Umbraco developers to create and use Distributed Calling providers to cater for different load balanced scenarios. Specifically where a hard coded list of server addresses is not possible to obtain for use within Umbraco's Distributed Calling configura...
The Golf Hole Editor package is an Umbraco data type for creating golf hole information. This data type could be used on a golf club website for displaying course information. An editor can configure each hole's tees and it's par, stroke index and distances. The data type can also accommodate for di...
The Multi Date Picker package is an Umbraco data type for creating a collection of dates within Umbraco. An editor can add, edit and delete dates within a property on a page. This package reuses Umbraco's built in date picker.
The Domain Manager package is a handy content dashboard item for viewing domains within an Umbraco application. It allows editors to view each domain, it's culture and which node the domain is associated to. The dashboard item also allows editors to remove domains too. This package is especially goo...
The Robots Handler package provides editors with the ability to dynamically change the contents of a site's robots file. Instead of storing the contents of a robots file on the file system, an editor can specify its contents in an Umbraco content page. The property content is then served via a Http ...
A simple dashboard for displaying environment specific information.
A Service to access the KeyValue table in Umbraco v8.1+.
A wonderful Umbraco files editor built on Umbraco 8. Update files using this plugin and can able to modify files.
An IP blocker with a dashboard for whitelisting IP addresses.
Adds an RSS data source to Our.Umbraco.Community.ContentList
Leverages CodeMirror to provide an Umbraco property editor for source code editing.
This package adds a tree to settings section that allows you to create and edit tours, so you don't need to edit the json files directly
A dashboard for importing and exporting with Umbraco Deploy.
Distraction-free editing in Umbraco 8
A property editor for rescuing content changes