Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on ThisAssembly.Project

Total dependencies: 4

Meta-package that includes all ThisAssembly.* packages. > This project uses SponsorLink to attribute sponsor status (direct, indirect or implicit). For IDE usage, sponsor status is required. > IDE-only warnings will be emitted after a grace period otherwise. Learn more at
** C# 9.0 ONLY ** Autogenerates for EF Data2Code Add also Nuget package AOPEFCommon You can have your own template - read the readme.txt
** C# 9.0 ONLY ** Autogenerates public methods from a class . ( replace below single quotes with double quotes) [AutoMethods(template = TemplateMethod.CallerAtttributes, MethodPrefix ='pub', MethodSuffix ='bup')] partial class Person { public string LastName { get...
Autogenerates actions to a controller from a class . ( replace below single quotes with double quotes) [AutoActions(template = TemplateIndicator.AllPost,FieldsName =new[] { '*' }, ExcludeFields =new[]{'_logger'})] [ApiController] [Route('[controller]/[action]')] public partial class W...