Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on T4Scaffolding

Total dependencies: 37

Scaffolds a WCF RIA DbDomainService for your Code-First Model
A fast and customizable way to add Model (with optional Controller and Views) to your ASP.NET MVC project. You can specify property types or can use conventions. Visit the Project site to learn about output and conventions' customization. Inspired by MVCScaffolding.
A fast and customizable way to add controllers, views, and other items to your ASP.NET MVC application
MVC4 Mobile Rapid Templating Helpers
Scaffolders for ASP.NET Web API services with repositories and data contexts
Scaffolding library for ZeroFramework.
Get a complete backed with unit of work and repository pattern from your domainmodel.
Collection of Scaffolders for a SharpLite project
Scaffolders for LINQ to SQL repositories and data contexts
A poc for creating Views and ViewsModel for caliburn using T4Scaffolding
A poc for creating Views and ViewsModel for caliburn using T4Scaffolding
Adds EF and ADO services and their corresponding repositories with entries in DI config and context files.
Fork of the MvcScaffolding project in order to use it with twitter.bootstrap.mvc4 project
This is a Scaffold extension to generate POCO class, Mapping class, Repository pattern class and DbContext. Very helpful in database-first approach without needing .edmx. Usage: On Package Manager Console type the following command: Scaffold PocoFromDB {your-connection-string} {c...