Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Xml.XmlDocument

Total dependencies: 389

Package Description
Dashing.Cli is a command line tool for migrating database schemas
RpcLite.AspNetCore Class Library
Create advanced Excel spreadsheets using .Net, Forked from
http middleware for zip nfinal mvc, mvc and .net core
Fork from sshnet/SSH.NET ( but for .Net Core
The excel provider for vNext
Entity Framework Core persistence layer for IdentityServer4. Contains original work and that of other GitHub repositories.
Common library for the Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO, OrmLite. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs. OrmLite is a suite extension methods on ADO.NET's underlying IDbConne...
Includes types that provide support for creating, serializing and validating WsTrust Messages.
Port of Xembly Library from Yegor Bugayenko.
Support online api document for NFinal mvc framework.