Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Xml.XDocument

Total dependencies: 280

Install as a DNX command. Generates plugin packages for Umbraco. You give it dlls, back-office files and it updates the Package.xml file and compresses it into a single installable archive. Usage: dnx . package settings.json
MusicBrainz.DNX Class Library for DNX
CodeComb HtmlAgilityPack
HtmlAgilityPack Class Library
Gumbo Bindings Class Library
Exception handling system. Write exceptions to database (MSSQL, MySql), to file system. Provide exceptions with rich dump information. Browse exceptions via web application interface or windows application interface. Tools for configuring applications to enable exception handling.
Merlin manages configuration of software units of deployment.
XML (De)Serializer for Easy Web.
Serializer for CSharp,
A MetaWeblog API for ASP.NET Core.
Package Description
Set of classes, modules and libraries for easier implementation of features.
Provides execution plan testing for Postgres. This allows you to unit test the `CommandBuilder.CommandText` property by actually sending it to the database and running an explain plan.
A web scraping framework for .Net
Types to model a .NET Project
ASP.NET 5 logic to protect and unprotect data, similar to DPAPI.