Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Xml.XDocument

Total dependencies: 280

RC2 Version
RSS/Atom/RDF feed parser in .NET Standard 2.0
WebSharper extension for Dojo Toolkit
Reader class for Untis XML export files
Package Description
Tools for iOS projects
Biblioteca para geração de XMLs (NF-e/NFC-e, CT-e, MDF-e, GNRE)
Enum para geração de XMLs (NF-e/NFC-e, CT-e, MDF-e, GNRE)
Classes para geração de XMLs (NF-e/NFC-e, CT-e, MDF-e, GNRE)
Provides utilities to configure ApplicationHost.config files and other IIS artifacts.
ReCloud Platform
A .NET Standard 2.0 library made to handle scenarios involving documents with interdependencies and multilingual content.
A simple client for Amazon Product Advertising API
Weloop plugin for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.IOS