Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ValueTuple

Total dependencies: 2374

Communicating sequential processes (CSP) for .NET using channels. It is heavily inspired by channels in the Go programming language.
.NET implementation of radix trees, ported from the Go implementation.
dependency reject for property and field.
ElmahLogger - logger for Elmah
Extensible and well-documented dice roller with a robust set of features. Excellent for play-by-post forums, virtual tabletops, or for integrating into character sheets or encounter managers.
Easy benchmarks that are statistically accurate
WPF extensions for PDFiumSharp
Business logic validation library
Now is the time to destroy `for` statement and use `foreach`.
ESAPI Extensions and helpers for quickly building robust clinical and research apps.
Tiny library encapsulating boilerplate code for interlocked updates using Interlocked.CompareExchange.
Helper for boosting speed of .net Reflection
Cubic chunked map library
Core system utilities and extensions.
Reflection utilities and extensions.
Perform set operations like difference, union and intersection on list of timeslots, modeled as a pair of Timespans - one for the time past some reference point in time when the slot opens and the other for how long the slot stays open
Jsonics aims to be as fast as is possible in scenarios where the same type will be serialized or deserialized many times.
HTML parsing/serialization toolset for .NET