Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ValueTuple

Total dependencies: 2374

This is the .net standard 2 version of BrightWire.CUDA which adds CUDA support to Bright Wire. This lets you run Bright Wire machine learning on a Maxwell or better NVIDIA GPU (x64 only).
Prism.NavigationEx provides ViewModel first navigation for Prism.Forms.
Alphaleonis.Reflection.Metadata is a small library providing some utilities for working with .NET assembly metadata.
NLog Core Library for the Nata Project
Extension wrapper library for using the RestSharp package.
برای آسان سازی ساختاری در کار با دیتا
Create simple cross-platforms (Xamarin, Windows, ...) charts.
Hprose is a popular high-performance RPC library for ASP.NET
Mocklis is a library and source code generator for .net, targeted at generating test doubles from interfaces. Mocklis.Core contains classes and interfaces used by the generated test doubles. See also the Mocklis package for a more comprehensive set of tools for writing tests using the generated code...
Levenberg-Marquardt for F# .NET standard 1.6+ and .net framework 4.5+
.NET classes that provide Swedish personal identity numbers test data.
The SqlServerTraceReceiver wich adapted to pass TSQL for logging.
SystemLink client API for the Tag services, which are responsible for transferring low-frequency test and measurement data between your systems and SystemLink Server or Cloud. Commonly Used Types: NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagManag...
This package includes a mostly complete port of the MessagePack(for more info see: assembly to support .NET 4.5.1 and newer. These types can serialize by default: System.Delegate System.Type System.Globalization.CultureInfo System.Net.IPAddress System....