Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ValueTuple

Total dependencies: 2374

Package Description
Some string extensions (comparing with ignore case and so on).
A high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite etc..
The Sqreen in app agent for .NET. Defense in depth for OWASP Top-10 attacks that’s easy to install, manage and scale.
ForgeEngine can export your model to other formats, such as Autodesk Forge Viewer SVF/F2D, glTF/glb and Cesium 3D Tiles, etc. No need to rely on other online services, can be run offline. this package is available for Autodesk Revit 2021.
ForgeEngine can export your model to other formats, such as Autodesk Forge Viewer SVF, glTF/glb and Cesium 3D Tiles, etc. No need to rely on other online services, can be run offline. this package is available for Autodesk Navisworks 2021.
Constructs and manipulates TPL Dataflow blocks fluently.
An independent flexible XAML MVVM library for .NET
Parse command line or Supports console environment like REPL. Forked from
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text provides base classes for robust recognition and resolution of text entities. This is exact same library as the Microsoft.Recognizers.* packages, but with compiled Regex.
Library containing Serilog based implementations.
Simple, cross-platform chart library. With some modifications on barchart
An extensible source generator library for arbitrary avatar (a.k.a. dynamic proxy) code generation at compile-time. Built from
An Ebml based serializer to deserialize a Matroska file (.mkv or .webm)
Demux a Matroska file (.mkv or .webm) into multiple streams
Perform search on Azure search, call qna with easy configurations.
PikTools MSI builder
Extends Stringier.Categories with information rich categorization based on language and script combinations.
Contains basic helpers for .NET Framework and Core
Provides methods and extensions for accessing 52ESELLER cloud web shops using v3 api. The package provides a fast and convenient building block for developing applications centered around the 52ESELLER cloud web shop engine. Namespaces included: - CommerceClient.Api.Online