Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Threading.Tasks

Total dependencies: 478

Managed web socket protocol parser.
zxm.AsyncLock is an extensions to lock when async/await.
Microsoft Bot Builder extension for specifying a guided FormFlow dialog using an extended JSON Schema. Most of the annotations are declarative but you can also include C# code fragments that are dynamically compiled.
The Sensorberg SDK allows you app to detect beacons and use the sensorberg API to enable proximity responses in your Windows10 application.
Driver for MCP23S17 via SPI
Simple JSON-RPC Client for .Net Core 1.0
.Net light-weight, powerful object mapping framework. Fluent design. Supports .NET, .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core.
Linq to Graphs
Azure Function Bus
Xamarin library for creating and handling Notifications and things related to PUSH made with passion in Package provides Local (in-app) Notification Services for Android.
Convert JSON to System.Net.Http.HttpContent and vice versa.
Just another try.
A .NET standard 2.0 library to allow you to peform second factor authentication using Intensity Analytics TickStream.KeyID. Compatible with .NET core and .NET framework.
Package Description