Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow

Total dependencies: 309

A Simple Scheduler, with task execution queue built on TPL DataFlow. Schedules described by simple strings "now", "at|2020-01-27T09:00:00", "after|4hh", "every|10mm|x5" Or using fluent interface _taskBuilderFactory.BuildTask().Run("some task").At(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(20)); The task to be performe...
基于Elastic.Apm.NetCoreAll修改支持.net core3.1,等官方正式版发布后作废
Package Description
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Package Description
Serveur TCP configurable
A small Linq framework to fluently build a Dataflow (blocks) pipeline.
Functional helper library based on language.ext.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
ETLWorkflows provide a minimal SDK for implementing ETL processes. ETLWorkflows builds upon the TPL Dataflow library.
ETLWorkflows provide a minimal SDK for implementing ETL processes. ETLWorkflows builds upon the TPL Dataflow library.
Package Description
Package Description
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Package Description