Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow

Total dependencies: 309

Tools to help write tests for Microdot services. The project contains logic for both Orleans and Non-Orleans host testers.
Installation Qualification
Workflow Core is a light weight workflow engine targeting .NET Standard.
Web.Api library for ChilliSource.Cloud
Package Description
Websocket Connection Capabilities for Buttplug Servers. (.Net Framework 4.7+/.Net Standard 2.0)
Package Description
Common Tools and Helpers used by various OMICRON Lab products.
Elastic APM .NET Agent base package. This package provides core functionality for transmitting of all Elastic APM types and is a dependent package for all other Elastic APM package. Additionally this package contains the public Agent API that allows you to manually capture transactions and spans. Pl...
.NET Standard 2.1 framework which makes easy to scaffold distributed systems and dispatch incoming load into units of work in a deterministic way.
.NET Core server-side brackground processing.
This package contains all necessary components for developing real-time digital twin models and testing them in a mock environment.
Elastic APM .NET Agent base package. This package provides core functionality for transmitting of all Elastic APM types and is a dependent package for all other Elastic APM package. Additionally this package contains the public Agent API that allows you to manually capture transactions and spans. Pl...
Microsoft Graph Communications Client Library - The Communications stateful client base SDK. This package is meant to be used in conjunction with Microsoft.Graph.Communications.Calls or Microsoft.Graph.Communications.Calls.Media libraries.
Elephant storage library
Fast aggergating CloudWatch Metrics publisher
NBlockchain is a toolkit for developers to build their own blockchain applications.