Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ServiceModel.Primitives

Total dependencies: 461

Use Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection in WCF services
Engineering Tools
Unofficial project to help create a relay service for Mina Meddelanden (MM). This project contains the infrastructure implementation.
Package Description
Fusion Online allows for cashless pre-ordering of meals for students and staff. The .Net SDK allows for easy integration to the Fusion Online API.
v6.0.0.0 .net 6 v. 消息队列订阅是抛出异常 v3.0.5.46 增加获取授权文件有效期方法 v3.0.5.45 增加授权文件解析类 v3.0.5.44 扩展mysql支持 v3.0.5.43 增加调用webServiceSOAP方法 v3.0.5.41 & 42 修改日志生成到队列发送用户名控制器、方法名称 v3.0.5.39 & 40 1.修改读取日志消息队列配置,设置到app.json文件中 v3.0.5.38 1.修改所有配置读取,全部读取app.json文件 2.修改数据查询时访问统计SQL信息 v3.0.5.36 删除日志调用堆栈信息 v3.0.5...
This package provides a simple implementation to custom text message encoder using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
Communicates with QuickBooks Web Connector.
Features: * Very simple interface. Essentially the interface consists of two methods (with a couple of convenient overloads) on the class XmlExpressionSerializer from the namespace vm.Aspects.ExpressionSerialization: - public static XElement ToXmlElement(Expression expression); - public stat...
All the necesary nuget references to use sqlite with XPO
All the necesary nuget references to use sqlite with XPO
Lucene29 Centralized library for the sensenet platform containing the Lucene-based centralized indexing and query engine implementations.
Allows to use WCF over Solace messaging platform with JSON and protobuf message format.
ASP.NET Core Library for The Identity Hub. The Identity Hub makes it easy to connect your app to all major identity providers like Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Linked In and more. For more information see