Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ServiceModel.Primitives

Total dependencies: 461

Runtime for hosting PowerShell
A typed message-based .NET client gateway for accessing Stripe's REST API. Used by to process merchant payments and recurring subscriptions.
WCF CRUD2CRUD (CRUDS) interface package.
Extends Swashbuckle with OData v4 support! Supports both WebApi and OData controllers!
AqlaSerializer is intended to serialize objects, not just data. What the difference? Data serializers don't care much about language runtime specifics like references, inheritance, etc. In contrast, an object serializer should take such things into account. AqlaSerializer primary goal is to suppo...
OPC UA Core Library
Symphony Framework is a true cross-platform framework which provides the ability to enhance and develop applications to meet the growing needs of users and businesses.
A lightweight enterprise Function as a service (FaaS) framework to write function based serverless and micro-service applications in hybrid multi-datacentre, on-premise and Azure environments, offering modern patterns such as CQRS and event-sourcing. Offering a superior combination of serverless, mi...
This client library enables client applications to connect to Azure Cosmos via the SQL API. Azure Cosmos is a globally distributed, multi-model database service. For more information, refer to
This is a application development library that specializes in abstracting application components like database access, configuration etc. It also contains a mvvm UI component that is compatible to everything that implements netcoreapp3.0. This project contains definitions for kestrel-based services...
MVC Caching implementation for Kentico Xperience 13 MVC (Full framework, not core).
Classe de Comunicação de Integraçções homologadas junto a Saurus Software
Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization.
CRUDS standard library interface EntityFramework (EF) repository.
OpenSilver is an open-source reimplementation of Silverlight that runs on current browsers via WebAssembly.
OpenSilver is an open-source reimplementation of Silverlight that runs on current browsers via WebAssembly.
OpenSilver is an open-source reimplementation of Silverlight that runs on current browsers via WebAssembly.
Provides an IPersistenceContext implementation allowing Entity Framework providers to be used as data sources in Penguin repositories
Page Builder Container for Kentico Xperience 13 MVC (Full framework, not core).