Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime

Total dependencies: 1506

Utility library for doing complex equality comparisons
zxm.MailKit.Abstractions is zxm.MailKit abstractions.
zxm.AspNetCore.WebApi.Result.Abstractions is zxm.AspNetCore.WebApi.ResultExtenstion abstractions.
DependencyResolver static class for holding a dependency injection container and providing additional useful features.
Renders HTML pager, works nice with Bootstrap css. For usage in .NET 4.6 / MVC 5
A ASP.NET Status Board framework, AspNetCore (Full .NET Framework) implementation
Pooka.Repo A simple CQRS repository
Provides very simple Repository and UnitOfWork interfaces which are meant to be used within applications using an IoC container.
File Storage Services for .NET
Shims.Xaml lets you easily create libraries that work on WPF and Windows 10. Find us on GitHub at
UDE.CSharp.UWP is a compiled C# port of Mozilla Universal Charset Detector for windows 10 UWP.
Telemetry.Net is a simple API for recording metrics and distributing them to one or more providers.
.net configuration handler