Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime

Total dependencies: 1506

The Sensorberg SDK allows you app to detect beacons and use the sensorberg API to enable proximity responses in your Windows10 application.
Driver for MCP23S17 via SPI
Simple JSON-RPC Client for .Net Core 1.0
FlexMapper is the counterpart to AutoMapper. While AutoMapper uses primary a lot of Reflection stuff to map the values of two classes or object, FlexMapper focuses the pointedly manual mapping. AutoMapper is a great solution if you just want to map simple objects, like ViewModels or data-transfer ob...
Beaker.Medication Class Library
Test your C# classes' Equals and GetHashCode implementations with ease
Class Library containing an C# abstraction model of the collection+json media type object model
Library designed to help developers who are dealing with SI measurement units.
Bitwise Class Library is used for handling bitwise operators in an easier way, human readable
A library designed to wrap common functionality for use in UWP applications.
.Net light-weight, powerful object mapping framework. Fluent design. Supports .NET, .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core.
Pooka.Repo.EF A simple CQRS repository
An implementation of SuffixTree.
Add additional Linq extensions familiar to ruby ppl
A collection of attributes for modern testing.
A projection API for map tiles