Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime

Total dependencies: 1506

Basis-Klassen für ELSTER
EmotionAPI is a class library that wraps the Microsoft Project Oxford Emotion API.
FormulaEngine.Net Is a Simple Engine For .Net APP or .NetCore APP
A .NET implementation of Google Safe Browsing Lookup API
CodeComb HtmlAgilityPack
HtmlAgilityPack Class Library
Deprecated. Use MotleyFlash. Provides a foundation for managing flash messages.
A library designed to make basic Twitter search API access simple in .NET vNext.
Simple Odoo JSON-RPC Client for .Net Core 1.0
A library for logic programming in .NET
Gumbo Bindings Class Library
JiiLib Class Library - Just a collection of small but useful things.
JiiLib.Media Class Library - Simple ways to handle media data.
JiiLib.Net Class Library - Useful network-related APIs.
Lightweight Localization Library for ASP.NET 5
Extensions and utilities for System.Net.Http.HttpClient on .NET and .NET Core.
Embeds Visual Studio's editor and theming system in standalone projects.