Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime
Total dependencies: 1506
The AutoBuilder is designed to speed up the creation of controllers by marking all the entities for which it is necessary to create a function CRUD.
Akka Persistence journal and snapshot store runned by Marten and stored in a Postgresql 9.5+ database.
A shim library that enables a developer to target xunit, for tests originally written for Visual Studio's test framework.
.NET Disqus migrator for custom XML import format based on the WXR (WordPress eXtended RSS) schema
A managed wrapper around libgd to perform image reading and writing for ASP.NET 5 applications.
A class library to handle the rendering of right to left languages such as Arabic. It is used by CodeArt.DotnetGD to render RTL text as images.
The AspNetX automatically generates help page content for the web APIs on your site.
Avast.SmsConnectorClient Class Library
A utility class which makes correctly implementing IDisposable simpler than ever
Routing based on contract defined using API Description language
Abstraction for selecting types from an assembly that should be available for client generated code.
Wrapper for Kleu.Utility.Web for utilizing OWIN SelfHost in the console
Elmish for Xamarin Forms based on Elmish.WPF
Verify Swedish personal identity numbers.
Simple Odoo JSON-RPC Client for .Net Core 2.0. Fork from
LooUQ iotQi framework device client for Windows 10 IoT Core - (UWP DLL, Universal Windows Platform)
The WeakEventListener allows the owner to be garbage collected if its only remaining link is an event handler.