Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.Numerics

Total dependencies: 358

MIT licensed C#/.NET parser and writer for Apple and GnuStep Property Lists, supporting ASCII, Binary and Xml formats, based on Java's dd-plist.
Account login and management framework based on ASP.NET identity.
Provides types for reading, exporting and verifying Authenticode X.509 v3 certificates. These certificates are signed with a private key that uniquely and positively identifies the holder of the certificate. Commonly Used Types: System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 System....
Provides base types for cryptographic algorithms, including hashing, encryption, and signing operations. Commonly Used Types: System.Security.Cryptography.Aes System.Security.Cryptography.RSA System.Security.Cryptography.RSAParameters System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1 System.Security.Cryptograp...
Library of various utilities and extension methods.
F# Modules for Math.NET Numerics, the numerical foundation of the Math.NET project, aiming to provide methods and algorithms for numerical computations in science, engineering and every day use. Supports .NET 5.0 or higher, .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher, on Windows, Linux and ...
The module required to run CloudCore-based work-flow and scheduled tasks.
Provides a set of packages that can be used when building portable libraries on .NETCore based platforms. \r\n TFS ID: 1599443, GitHub SHA:
全龄段友好的C#万能工具库,码数吐司库,不管你是菜鸟新手还是骨灰级玩家都能轻松上手,Masuit.Tools基础公共库(适用于.NET4.6.1/.NET Standard2.0及以上项目),包含一些常用的操作类,大都是静态类,加密解密,反射操作,Excel简单导出,权重随机筛选算法,分布式短id,表达式树,linq扩展,文件压缩,多线程下载和FTP客户端,硬件信息,字符串扩展方法,日期时间扩展操作,中国农历,大文件拷贝,图像裁剪,验证码,断点续传,集合扩展等常用封装。 官网教程: github:https...
Edi.Net Class Library
CSharp Generator for Spawn
This package contains the Azure CosmosDb extension for the testing framework NBi (check at
A Xamarin wrapper binding for Azure Storage APIs - Blob, Queue, Table
A cross-platform library for processing of image files written in C#
Advance Framework Practice by BDO Canada LLP IT Solution practice
A cross-platform library for processing of image files written in C#
SRP-6a protocol implementation for .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework 3.5+
JSON, XML, Database, CSV, EDI and Excel Data Mapper (Runtime Library). Download Liquid Data Mapper from the project page.