Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.Loader

Total dependencies: 557

Library with features for implementing file formats, converters and a virtual file system.
.NET core compatible Raknet dll used by the Stormancer grid. Contains Raknet core features for windows and linux.
Just another library to route messages
A simple library to load and execute bootstrapper classes in referenced dlls by convention
This package contains the the message base assembly which contains base clases for ROS messages, sevices and actions. Every assembly that contains ROS message types for ROS.NET must reference the MessageBase assembly.
ROS.NET is a CLR implementation of the ROS communication infratructure (topics, services, actions) that can communicate with standard ROS 1 nodes.
Collection of assembly providers and assembly load helpers. Commonly used types: XploRe.Runtime.Loader.IAssemblyProvider XploRe.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyNameCollectionAssemblyProvider XploRe.Runtime.Loader.FileAssemblyProvider
Package Description
MiCake util tools.Contains value checker,reflection helper,and more.
.NET proxy generator powered by Roslyn
Package Description
A lightweight and high-performance Object/Relational Mapping(ORM) library.
Helper package for adding Template Engine to consuming applications
Package Description