Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.InteropServices
Total dependencies: 564
A very simple managed wrapper around the unmanaged local db API.
A SQLitePCL.raw plugin can be used to instruct SQLitePCL.raw to reference a different implementation of the native SQLite library than it normally would use. Install this package in your app project and call SQLitePCL.raw.SetProvider(new SQLitePCL.SQLite3Provider_esqlite3()); This particular plugi...
Provides a way to expose service information (e.g. software version and all the service dependencies versions).
Utility library for interfacing with native libraries.
ReCloud Core Class Library
Implementation of Microsoft DiaSymReader interfaces that reads debug information from Portable PDB format.
Abstractions for making code that uses file system and environment testable.
DNP3 Protocol - Outstation Server and Master Client protocol stack implementation.
Supports File Transfer ( File read, file write), Directory commands, unsolicited response, Octect String, Virtual Terminal Output, "Select-Before-Operate" and "Direct-Execute" command execution modes, Binary Output(...
Library that contains runner class to start generic host and Xamarin.Froms application
Core library of TDNPGL
Shared Memory Pipeline for vvvv(gamma) VL
OPC DA/AE/HDA .NET Client Library
Write Serilog events to text files in plain or JSON format. This package is to support tailing a log file, rolled files shall be named by datetime of sequence.
- V1.0.1 enabled retention policy.
Provides access to network information and notification of network status changes.
Unofficial Azure Active Directory authentication library for bots built with Microsoft Bot Framework
This is the Elision fragments feature package to reference if you are building a module or other code that just needs to reference Elision fragments feature. If you need to install Elision's fragments feature, use the Elision.Feature.Fragments package instead.
This is the Elision fragments feature package to reference if you need to install the entire feature. If you are building a module or other code that just needs to reference the Elision fragments feature, use the Elision.Feature.Fragments-redist package instead.
Additional classes and methods complementary too VSLangProj from Microsoft
This package contains the the message base assembly which contains base clases for ROS messages, sevices and actions. Every assembly that contains ROS message types for ROS.NET must reference the MessageBase assembly.