Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.InteropServices

Total dependencies: 564

Extensions, helpers and services for Umbraco 8 websites
Provides types for efficient representation and pooling of managed, stack, and native memory segments and sequences of such segments, along with primitives to parse and format UTF-8 encoded text stored in those memory segments. Commonly Used Types: System.Span System.ReadOnlySpan System.Memory Syst...
Jolia core libraries, features, extensions, models and more.
Provides classes for access to unmanaged blocks of memory from managed code. Commonly Used Types: System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.4.
Provides classes for using a memory-mapped file, which maps the contents of a file to an application's logical address space. Commonly Used Types: System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedViewAccessor System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedViewStream System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile Sys...
GameAnalytics SDK for UWP (C#)
Best.EntLib Text lib
The module required to run CloudCore-based work-flow and scheduled tasks.
OpenFin Desktop Runtime .NET Adapter
Best.EntLib Security lib
Best.EntLib IO lib
.NET Core P/Invoke wrapper for wkhtmltopdf library that uses Webkit engine to convert HTML pages to PDF.
Abstractions for making code that uses file system and environment testable.
Provides extensions methods that improve interoperation between managed code and the Windows Runtime. Commonly Used Types: System.WindowsRuntimeSystemExtensions System.IO.WindowsRuntimeStorageExtensions System.IO.WindowsRuntimeStreamExtensions System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.AsyncInfo...
Provides a set of packages that can be used when building portable libraries on .NETCore based platforms. \r\n TFS ID: 1599443, GitHub SHA:
NuGet's implementation for interacting with feeds. Contains functionality for all feed types.
Extensions for Umbraco 8 websites
WaterbutlerHelper is a part of the CoScInE group.