Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.Handles

Total dependencies: 160

Well Structured Models for C#
A cross platform wrapper for NetworkManager on iOS and Android
A cross platform wrapper for SpeechToText on iOS and Android<
A cross platform wrapper for MediaCapture on iOS and Android
A Xamarin wrapper for TextToSpeech on iOS and Android
A library for Clinical6 UI Controls Renders (a product of Parallel6)
A library for Clinical6 UI Controls Renders (a product of Parallel6)
Bot Framework Direct Line client made just for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.
Library that contains runner class to start generic host and Xamarin.Froms application
This package contains the the message base assembly which contains base clases for ROS messages, sevices and actions. Every assembly that contains ROS message types for ROS.NET must reference the MessageBase assembly.
ROS.NET is a CLR implementation of the ROS communication infratructure (topics, services, actions) that can communicate with standard ROS 1 nodes.
Open-source, cross-platform, multi-purpose security auditing tool - core audit library
Additional classes and methods complementary too VSLangProj from Microsoft
s simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It popularised in
General Helpers for iOS projects
Standard .NET ROS classes with serializer and deserializer
OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets Xamarin.Mac apps using the Unified API.