Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe

Total dependencies: 826

Package Description
This is reusable base pack for ERP automation using BDD
Orion.Core provides the next generation of Terraria Server APIs.
Easy and fast matrix operations
A test console application
Ryu.NET is a .NET port of Ryu ( implementing Ryū (, the fast algorithm for converting between strings and floats.
Receptador de mensagens do Saurus IOT
Provides the System.Half type on .NET versions that don't include it.
Package Description
3d model file parsing components extracted from STLVault
Package Description
This sdk help you to interact with PayU's APIs
Fast generic types and handles that are easy to construct, use and pass between managed and unmanaged code.
Librería de infraestructura transversal
IP2Region C# version. 1.使用Unsafe类优化底层,不需要勾选“允许不安全代码”。单IP检索速度为100+ns,1000W次检索,耗时在4.5秒左右。 2.修正某些IP在Btree模式下搜索的结果为乱码的问题。 3.不再使用DbSearcher对象,使用MemorySearcher和FileSearcher对象进行IP检索。
Package Description
Libreria que contiene funciones y extensiones necesarias como base para los proyectos