Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe

Total dependencies: 826

Package Description
ClrMD is a set of advanced APIs for programmatically inspecting a crash dump of a .NET program much in the same way that the SOS Debugging Extensions (SOS) do. This allows you to write automated crash analysis for your applications as well as automate many common debugger tasks. In addition to readi...
Modern, free, open-source, professionally audited .NET crypto library.
Buffer management in DotNetty
This package contains classes, interfaces, controls and utility for support media like video, pdf and images in the app. It depends on Fluker
This package contains support to custom integrations of the system Map platform. It depends on Fluker.Base
This package contains common classes and interfaces that are used in other Fluker controls.
This package contains classes, interfaces, controls and utility for integrate a shop system like cart and payments with credit card in the app. It depends on Fluker.
This package contains classes, interfaces, controls and utility for support Users (Login, Registrarion) through email in the app. It depends on Fluker
High performance, near zero overhead utilities for working with native memory.
ILGPU compiler and runtime library for convenient and high-performance GPU programming in .Net. Samples can be found in the GitHub repository:
Collection of utilities developed by ProgressOnderwijs
DotNetty common routines
Runtime for hosting PowerShell
.NET Standard SDK for Azure SignalR Service protocol.
Assortment of various common types and utilities for Emzi0767's projects.
This assembly allows for creating a backend code in your ASP.NET application which would work with the designs created in Customers' Canvas web-to-print editor. You may iterate each design element, read or modify its properties, render the design to PDF or JPEG, generate new designs and do many othe...
ActiveReports is a set of assemblies that enable you to create, render, print, and export reports in a .NET or .NET Core application. This package includes the core engine assemblies required to create and render pixel perfect, WYSIWYG, reports.
ActiveReports is a set of assemblies that enable you to create, render, print, and export reports in a .NET or .NET Core application. This package includes the core engine assemblies required to create and render pixel perfect, WYSIWYG, reports.
BWebTemplate C# to develope Web App with B-ArtsFramework