Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe

Total dependencies: 826

Configuration file access classes
wpf controls enhancements
Enables a community splash page to be configured
Provides extensions to include microdata elements in web page markup
Authorization attribute that integrates with Kentico user permissions, including module permissions and page ACL permissions
100% unit test code coverage: FastRandom, ConcurrentRandom (thread safe random), CryptoRandom (rng crypto grade random), ConcurrentCryptoRandom, Next-methods for datatypes: SByte, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, short, int, long, string. This packet replaces Tedd.MoreRandom and Te...
WCF CRUD2CRUD (CRUDS) implementation package.
Durandal framework extensions for connecting to Redis as a service provider.
Durandal framework extensions for connecting to MySql as a service provider.
Durandal framework extensions for connecting to Azure service providers (AppInsights, CosmosDB, etc.)
Bootstrap 4 based Section tool for Kentico MVC Page Builder
Page Builder Container for Kentico Xperience 13 MVC (Full framework, not core).
Bootstrap 4 based Section tool for Kentico MVC Page Builder
For Kentico 13 Full Framework only, provides Html helpers and interfaces to render other pages (with widgets) in your page. Useful for things like Mega Menus, editable header adn footers, tabs, accordions, etc.
Helpers for querying ADO.NET-compatible databases.
Package Description
A .NET library for using MSTest (and Moq) on top of the ChannelAdam Test Framework.
WaterbutlerHelper is a part of the CoScInE group.
Useful generic collection types. Includes complex dictionaries, priority queues, blocking queues, buffer arrays, etc