Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Resources.ResourceManager

Total dependencies: 549

Peng Framework
A Roslyn code generation tool that enables automatic factory classes.
Efect is repository pattern implementation on top of Entity Framework.
Architectural patterns for business layer.
Class and interface to wrap what I consider to be a slightly clunky native process interface in something a bit safer to use. This library is not intended for use for monitoring long running processes, but rather for running command line applications that are sure to terminate in a reasonable amount...
AutoSitecore is a customization of AutoFixture for creating NSubstitute Sitecore Items.
A generic HTTP API for calling grains in Microsoft Orleans
Contains common classes used in mvvm applications.
Managed web socket protocol parser.
"The Transient Fault Handling Application Block for Windows Azure ("Topaz") provides a set of reusable and testable components for adding retry logic into your Windows Azure applications leveraging Windows Azure SQL Database, Windows Azure storage, Service Bus and Caching Service. This makes your Wi...
Contains core encoders for HTML, JavaScript strings, and URLs.
ASP.NET 5 common extension methods for HTTP abstractions and IApplicationBuilder.
Xamarin library for creating and handling Notifications and things related to PUSH made with passion in Package provides Local (in-app) Notification Services for Android.
Linq to Graphs