Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Emit

Total dependencies: 984

A High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library
Common utility classes.
A port of CookComputing.XmlRpcV2 for dotnet core.
Powerful customisable tool for mapping entities to each other. Entities can be plain objects, DataReaders, SQL commands and anything you need. The tool uses run-time code generation via the Emit library. Therefore it is extremely fast. EmitMapper is useful for dealing with DTO objects, data access l...
Pythonnet compiled against .NetStandard 2.0 and CPython 3.7 (win64)
服务端组件 请在最终运行的项目中引用对应运行环境库,例如基于DotNetty的Symbol.Cloud.Server.DotNetty
A free, ultra portable, embedded, nosql, serverless database. Designed to be easy to use and easy to deploy. Works in any .Net environment that supports .Net Standard. Perfect for Apps, IoT, Xamarin or any project requiring a light weight, easy to use database. Thread Safe AES Encryption
Extended WPF Toolkit™ as .NETCoreApp3.0 libraries
Scripting library for .NET
A lightweight and high-performance Object/Relational Mapping(ORM) library.
An ultra-fast expression-based binary serializer/deserializer using pre-emitted serializers/deserializers with support for transmitting types even if they do not exist on the other assembly.
An extra light-weight database manipulate lib (ORM), which supports all standard driven databases. Usage will be added soon, or just can be found from
Part of job extensions
This library provides core functionalities for data access layers generated using Clamper CLI
CookedRabbit is a C# RabbitMQ wrapper for Net Framework.
This library provides core functionalities for data access layers generated using Genie CLI