Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Emit

Total dependencies: 984

+ Cryptography Helper + String Helper + Vietnamese currency reader + DateTimeHelper + File Helper + Enum Helper
Package Description
Reflection library that achieves greater performance than the built-in .NET reflection.
Missil is a set of extension method for chaining ILGenerator.Emit(OpCode) calls.
Hybrid-ORM for .Net
A tiny hack of the System.Private.CoreLib to provide missed Unmanaged EmitCalli implementation at the .NET Standard 2.0 layer. Based on Conari version ======================================= gnt /p:ngpackages="UnmanagedEmitCalli/...
A lightweight and dynamic mapper, you don't need to declare any classes for View Model or Data Transfer Object, just declare property bindings
The library allows you to work with native libraries with netstandard2.1. Standard approach with the DllImport attribute may be inconvenient if you want to build AnyCPU assembly with MS.NET/Mono support. The Interoptor class can generate implementation of interface with target signatures of native m...
A light-weight (actually contains one class :) ) library that extends any unsealed type at runtime.
Reads and writes .NET assemblies and modules, Windows PDBs and Portable PDBs. For better *Windows PDB* writer support, you should add a reference to `Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native` nuget package too, see the dnlib README for more info: . You don't need to...
Library that contains runner class to start generic host and Xamarin.Froms application
Entity Framework Core Extention for save and retrive information about adding, updating and deleting data changes with last modified timestamp.
A library allowing users to use Razor as markup in a template, with API operations from ASP .NET Controllers.
Advanced Dependency Injection for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection: AddDefer, AddFunc, AddFactory.
A small, lightweight dynamic proxy library for .NET runtimes
Converts a data type to another data type, smarter than the standard Convert class, including collections and their items as well as object properties (duck typing). With special support for DateTime conversions.
AutoTest.ArgumentNullException is an automated unit testing component to ensure methods with nullable parameters correctly throw an ArgumentNullException when they are supplied null parameters.
BDD style testing framework to allow unit testing with automated mocking, dependency injection and minimum friction based on the NUnit testing library. We at Leaping Gorilla strive to remove as much friction as possible from our testing methodology. To that end we wanted a drop dead simple way to ...
A Data Client for ArcGIS Server REST API - converts features and rows into a (lazy) sequence of strongly-typed objects.
A .NET library that generates IL based accessors, mutators and constructors.