Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight

Total dependencies: 750

Some useful extensions for .net programming.
EsWork Libraries
This package includes a mostly complete port of the MessagePack(for more info see: assembly to support .NET 4.5.1 and newer. These types can serialize by default: System.Delegate System.Type System.Globalization.CultureInfo System.Net.IPAddress System....
Provides a basic C#, Selenium, nUnit3, Specflow v3, HttpClient and RestSharp based automation framework along with all the necessary dependent packages. So when a Unit Test Project Type is created in Visual Studio, delete the default MS Test references added in the project and remove the defau...
TypeKitchen is a small library for fast meta-programming in .NET.
TypeKitchen is a small library for fast meta-programming in .NET.
Test abstraction for web ui testing based on selenium and specflow test framework
Test abstraction for CRM D365 UI testing based on selenium for Microsoft D365
This a fork from Utf8Json where we added support for Span and ListPool
NosCore fork of FastMember in waiting for PR to be merged
The wrapper library that provides smart extension methods to convert document formats to high quality text.
The complete library that provides smart extension methods to read and write CSV, JSON, ZFO, MessagePack files. Optimized for performance.
The complete extension method library to power your .NET projects. Provides smart extensions for strings, numeric values, math, file management, file paths, URLs, collections and more. Optimized for performance.
Fast data mapper from IDataReader to any custom type object. IAsyncEnumerable support.