Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight

Total dependencies: 750

xUnit.UserContext is an attribute based extension for xUnit that adds [UserFact] and [UserTheory] attributes, allowing tests to run under the context of a given Windows user.
Package Description
A fail-fast validation helper for .NET CIL generation.
Extends Tracing.NET with DryIoc modularity.
Database Operation Library 性能强劲,稳定,既能利用Linq强编码提示,又可利用Mybatis风格管理SQL。 包含如下功能: 1.支持多种配置方式xml,数据库连接字符串,连接对象 2.支持Linq写法转换并执行SQL 3.支持Mybatis写法,xml配置,可以灵活方便管理复杂SQL 4.支持数据库连接池 5.支持FluetValidation自动验证实体 6.主从读写分离 7.批量导入、导出,生成SQL 脚本 8...
Package Description
.Net Core 2.0 SqlSugar ORM ,High-performance, lightweight
Pure managed fast object tree serializer that works on undecorated classes. A fork of the Migrant project.
A cross-platform QML/.NET integration for Mono/.NET/.NET Core
Swifter Core components.
FlashReflection allows fast reflection by caching and creating delegates of methods and properties
An extremely easy to use Micro-ORM supporting Sql Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sqlite, SqlCE. Originally Schotime's PetaPoco branch.